Sustainability Statement

As artists we are often inspired by nature. I grew up in a wooded area, a niece and granddaughter to farmers. I was taught to feel the air when storms were coming and to look to various animals to learn the rhythm of the seasons. It’s no wonder the shapes of nature inspire my art. However, I, like most artists had become disconnected with nature in our studio practice and completely unaware of what damage we were doing to her in our same attempts to honor her. The materials I was choosing, seemingly so harmless, were contributing to ocean & air pollution and harming our land & people.

I strive to build sustainable, even regenerative practices in my studio and in the studios of other artists, artisans, and makers around the world in an effort to not just do less bad but make it better. Most artists I speak with want to spread more beauty in the world. I argue this: If what we are creating, no matter how aesthetically beautiful in one’s mind, is damaging our people and planet, is it really beautiful?

Through pledging to commit to more sustainable practices in the studio, creating more sustainable designs and products, finding communities with whom to collaborate, and holding each other accountable I believe the future of art can be not only sustainable, but regenerative in which everyone thrives including the people and the planet.

“The great benefit of slowing down is reclaiming the time and tranquility to make meaningful connections–with people, with culture, with work, with nature, with our own bodies and minds”

— Carl Honoré

Etretat, France famously painted by Monet

Lara Cornell is a passionate and inventive entrepreneur, whose enthusiasm for helping artisans build meaningful and impactful businesses has seen her write two acclaimed best-selling books. With her inspiring online consulting platform 'Artisan & Company', and global initiative 'The Sustainable Artisan Guild', Lara actively works towards creating a better world for artisans. When she isn't working hard to make an impact, Lara enjoys the SLOW life with her husband and three wonderful children in Minneapolis MN, taking the time to rediscover lost arts. Her inquisitive nature and ambition are unparalleled, making Lara a force of positive change in the world of artisan businesses.

Find out more about Lara →